2 of 7 - Affiliate Technology

Affiliate Technology Introduction

Greetings candidate affiliate!  We've designed this entire site to help you deliver quality educational content to your potential CBD customers and convert them into paying customers.

We hope that you enjoy using our site!  Please send your constructive criticism of the site to [email protected].

The CBDHealthWellness.info website has been designed in coordination with OrganicaNaturals.com website.  We have built a variety of tools within this website that enable you to deliver the latest and greatest CBD information to your customers while still capturing sales for your customers.

How is this website designed with the affiliate in mind?

This website is utilizes a Dynamic Url augmentation technology in order to enable Organica Naturals affiliates to leverage the website to:

  1. Inform their customers on the most up-to-date information about CBD
  2. Convert potential customers for you, not us.

Let us show you how.

Within the information content pages of CBDHealthWellness.info, you will see links embedded into the site such as the following from the page Everything You Need to Know about CBD.

Notice how the Url to the above article does not contain ?ref=141.

The link text CBD within this article has a Url pointing to OrganicaNaturals.com that contains the Referral Id of the affiliate for this website.  This value is what ensures you make a sell and a customer is associated with you, for the lifetime of their purchases given that the ref 3 is your referral id.

However, we've designed the CBDHealthWellness.info website to dynamically change this Url to be YOUR Referral Id so that you can utilize the website.

If you would like to utilize this website for informational purposes, you can simply add a ?ref= into the Url and all of the Urls within the website that point to CBDHealthWellness.info and OrganicaNaturals.com will be converted to contain your Referral Id.

You can test this functionality by viewing the same Everything You Need to Know about CBD page that now contains ?ref=141 within the Url (i.e. https://cbdhealthwellness.info/2019/06/20/everything-you-need-to-know-about-cbd/?ref=141).  If you hover over the CBD link in the article, you'll see the Referral Id in that link now contains the number 141.

This is the primary tool you'll utilize as a CBD affiliate in order to educate people and turn the CBDHealthWellness.info site into your personal referral engine.  This basic tool is always what's built into the other technology to keep your customers tied to you throughout their customer journey.

Click the button to Learn about Affiliate Tools.