CBD for Pets: How to Safely Use Cannabidiol for Dogs and Cats

CBD for Pets: How to Safely Use Cannabidiol for Dogs and Cats

CBD School, Homepage, Pets, Uses
This article was originally published at The Organic Prepper and was republished here with permission. As more people seek safe, natural remedies for their health concerns – and as more states legalize medical cannabis – interest in cannabidiol (commonly known as “CBD”) is growing. And it's not just good for humans. A huge amount of research shows that it can also be good for pets. It’s about time. CBD is a fascinating compound that has tremendous therapeutic value. What is CBD and how does it work? Here's a brief overview: CBD (cannabidiol) is one of over 100 compounds found in cannabis plants that belong to a class of ingredients called cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are a diverse set of chemical compounds that bind to special receptors in the human body that make…
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