This article was originally published at The Organic Prepper and was republished here with permission.
Many of us at The Organic Prepper are big fans of cannabidiol - more commonly known as CBD. We use it for a wide variety of reasons. Because we get so many questions about it, I thought I’d do a round-up today that will answer many of your questions and give you some of the reasons we use it ourselves.
The brand of CBD we recommend is Organica Naturals because it’s third-party tested for purity and potency.
Now, on to what CBD can do.
Psst: Remember that we aren’t doctors and none of this information should take the place of actual medical advice from a licensed physician.
What you need to know about CBD
First things first, check out our introductory article, Nature’s Miracle: Everything You Need to Know About CBD.
Decades of disinformation and outright lies about the cannabis plant have led many to believe that marijuana and hemp are dangerous and have no medicinal value. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.
Thankfully, a growing body of research is revealing the abundant benefits of the cannabis plant.
This article talks about what CBD is and what it does in the body.
Scientific research shows that CBD can help with a wide variety of chronic issues.
The list of conditions CBD has been shown to benefit is extensive and continues to grow as more research is conducted. Here are five of them: CBD can help with chronic pain, arthritis, depression, anxiety, and even Alzheimer’s.
This article links to the studies supporting the use of CBD for these issues.
CBD can help with insomnia.
I have suffered from terrible insomnia for years and this is the reason I take CBD. It’s incredibly helpful for me and it seems I’m not the only one. The article Can’t Sleep? Got Insomnia? These Studies Suggest CBD for Sleep Disorders links to numerous studies that suggest CBD.
And it’s not just for insomniacs like me. CBD shows a lot of promise when dealing with things like sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and other sleep-related disorders.
You can use CBD for pets, too.
Just like humans, our pets can feel the effects of old age and joint pain. Even vets are starting to get on board with this natural remedy. My oldest daughter took her elderly dog to the vet in Canada for increasing arthritis pain, and he suggested CBD. So far, it’s really helped her little beagle.
Here’s an article on CBD for Pets: How to Safely Use Cannabidiol for Dogs and Cats.
CBD may help with gut troubles.
Everyone knows these days that health begins in the gut. If your gut isn’t working properly, neither is your immune system (or anything else, for that matter.) Well, CBD to the rescue again, because research suggests that it can increase gut health while decreasing inflammation.
Here’s what you need to know: Got Gut Troubles? Research Suggests CBD May Help
You may have heard that CBD helps with anxiety.
Anxiety disorders are diagnosed more and more these days, and with the world we live in, who could be surprised. Unfortunately, the usual treatment for this is benzodiazepines, which bring with them a whole host of other problems.
Some folks are turning to CBD for their anxiety issues. You can learn more about it in this article: Can CBD Really Help Relieve Anxiety? Here’s What Science Says
CBD may even help with certain kinds of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Probably one of the most remarkable claims we’ve seen regarding CBD is that it might be the new hero in the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. A recent study showed that CBD was remarkably effective at killing a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria. (That’s some of the super-deadly stuff like MRSA.)
You can get more information about the details of the ground-breaking study in this article: Is CBD the Answer to the Rise in Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Like MRSA?
How much CBD should you take?
Figuring out the correct dosage of CBD can be complicated because there’s not one “correct” does that will work for everybody.
Estimating your dosage relies on a lot of factors like body weight, diet, metabolism, genetics, environment, and product consistency. The potency of the CBD you’re using is also important, and also whether your product is Full Spectrum or an Isolate.
Learn more here: CBD Dosing: How Much Should You Take?
What if you hate the taste?
My only issue with CBD is that I hate the taste. When I admitted that, some people wondered why I would choke it down anyway. The benefits above are more than enough to help me get past an unpleasant taste.
I’ve never been one to give up on a good thing over a minor inconvenience, so I came up with quite a few different ways to make it more palatable. You can find those ideas in this article: How to Use CBD Oil When You Absolutely HATE the Taste