Snake Oil or Cure-All? The Truth About CBD

Snake Oil or Cure-All? The Truth About CBD

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This website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, we might receive commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item, nor does it decrease the value of the item. You may have heard things about CBD that sound far too good to be true. Can it really help people with anxiety, gut issues, and chronic pain? What about antibiotic resistance, insomnia, and psoriasis? What about all the people who have tried CBD for certain conditions and said they didn't feel a thing, and that it "didn't work" for them? And how can one substance - made from a PLANT - do all the things people claim it can do? Has CBD earned its health halo? It is easy…
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Itchy, Irritated, Inflamed Skin? CBD to the Rescue!

Itchy, Irritated, Inflamed Skin? CBD to the Rescue!

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Skin diseases are ranked the fourth most common cause of human illness worldwide, resulting in an enormous global health burden. Some believe the problem may be even more widespread, because many affected people do not consult a healthcare provider for treatment and their cases are therefore unreported and not included in statistics. Several chronic and debilitating skin disorders are surprisingly common. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually. Its occurrence in adults is increasing, affecting up to 15 percent of women. One in 10 people will develop atopic dermatitis during their lifetime. This condition affects up to 25 percent of children and 2 to 3 percent of adults. Approximately 7.5 million people in…
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How to Talk to Your Parents About CBD

How to Talk to Your Parents About CBD

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About three years ago, I developed severe fatigue and joint pain. I wasn't sure what was going on - I thought maybe I'd just been working too much, working out too hard, and was too stressed out. Sleeping became a struggle. I tried to ride it out for a couple of give whatever was going on some time to resolve on its own. Then the knuckles in my right hand started to swell, and pain set in. I am right-handed, and could no longer do much with my right hand without a lot of pain. Lifting weights was out of the question - I couldn't lift barbells or dumbbells at all. (You can read my full story here: I Tried CBD Oil For My Psoriatic Arthritis. Here’s What Happened.)…
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Everything You Need to Know About Migraine

Everything You Need to Know About Migraine

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This article was written by Lisa Egan and was originally published at Ready Nutrition I will never forget the day I had my first migraine. I was 25 years old and was a teacher. It was a sunny day, and I looked out of the classroom window and suddenly, a strange visual disturbance began. It was as is if someone had taken my picture with a flash camera – you know those squiggly, flashing lines you sometimes see after someone takes your photo? It was like that, and it lasted about 30 minutes. After it disappeared, I was slammed with round two: the worst headache of my life. I thought I had a brain tumor or some other devastating disease. I called my doctor, and he was able to see…
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CBD Round-Up: 9 Things You Should Know About This Plant Remedy

CBD Round-Up: 9 Things You Should Know About This Plant Remedy

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This article was originally published at The Organic Prepper and was republished here with permission. Many of us at The Organic Prepper are big fans of cannabidiol - more commonly known as CBD. We use it for a wide variety of reasons. Because we get so many questions about it, I thought I'd do a round-up today that will answer many of your questions and give you some of the reasons we use it ourselves. The brand of CBD we recommend is Organica Naturals because it's third-party tested for purity and potency. Now, on to what CBD can do. Psst: Remember that we aren't doctors and none of this information should take the place of actual medical advice from a licensed physician. What you need to know about CBD First…
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I Tried CBD Oil For My Psoriatic Arthritis. Here’s What Happened.

I Tried CBD Oil For My Psoriatic Arthritis. Here’s What Happened.

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Suffering from chronic pain, inflammation, and fatigue is no way to live. It can make even the most simple day-to-day tasks become an agonizing experience. The pain-free life you once knew feels like a distant memory. You wonder if you will ever feel normal again. I know, because I experienced it first hand. I'm sharing my personal story in the hopes that my experience may help those of you (or your loved ones) who are suffering find a solution. *** Prior to 2012, the only ailment I had was occasional migraines. I never experienced any aches or pains, despite being quite serious about regular heavy weight lifting. But that year, I started to experience unusual fatigue and mild joint pain. I attributed it to aging and my intense gym sessions.…
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